Mana Translation


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Partnership | Support | Trust |
Openness | Diversity
In Mana Translation, we help game developers and game publishers engage players with game localizations that are pleasant to play with.

We believe that high-quality localization is possible not only through processes – but also by working together, sharing knowledge, and focusing on people by merging skills, experience, and passion.

Mana in games is a magical energy that boosts our skills, spells, and grants us additional, magical energy. We add the mana factor to your game texts in their international versions – by combining expertise with attention and love for your game.

If you want to work together with a reliable partner and people who genuinely care about your game – you’re in the right place. We’ll support you with localization and international marketing to join your efforts to make your game a success.

We design our business model and cooperation with our core values in mind: partnership, support, trust, openness, and diversity. We are all for ethical business.

Our superpower is creating localizations that convey messages and approaches of your design and narrative team – and are pleasant to play with!

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